13 June 2024

A huge star on the field, Caitlin Foord is now the star of a huge Wollongong mural, as is pet pooch Peach

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Caitlin Foord in front of the mural of her.

Caitlin Foord says being the focus of a Wollongong mural is an “amazing privilege”. Photo: Supplied.

Matildas star Caitlin Foord admits she’s a bit overwhelmed to be honoured by a larger-than-life mural in the region she calls home.

The proud Illawarra sports star has been immortalised on a wall of Wollongong Central’s Keira Building, in Richardson Lane.

Wollongong-based artist and designer Claire Foxton was commissioned to paint an abstract-style portrait of the Matildas forward who is heading to Paris for her third Olympic Games with the Australian women’s football team.

Caitlin, who plays for Arsenal in England’s Women’s Super League, said it was an amazing privilege to be acknowledged in a public artwork in her home region.

“To be recognised in this way for playing a sport I love with an incredible team of women is phenomenal,” she said.

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“The Illawarra has produced many successful sportspeople and I’m proud, and a little overwhelmed, by this tribute.

“Claire has done an amazing job to learn about who I am and what is important to me and has represented that in this mural, right down to Peach, my dog.

“I hope her work inspires the next generation of both sportswomen and artists in the region.”

Claire, whose public art features throughout Australia, New Zealand and the US, spent about a week painting the mural.

She said the key to creating public artwork that resonated with communities was in capturing the personality and dreams of the portrait subject.

Two women standing in in front of a mural.

Artist Claire Foxton with Caitlin in front of the mural. Photo: Supplied.

“Caitlin is loved by people of all ages and backgrounds,” she said.

“This Illawarra community is clearly really important to Caitlin.

“It’s where her family and friends live, where she grew up and where much of her identity was formed.

“She’s a great footballer but also an unassuming person and I wanted to capture all of that in her portrait.

“On a personal level, this project felt serendipitous in its timing. After having my first child I wasn’t sure how my career would look or if I’d have to rethink things.

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“Being asked to paint Caitlin’s mural felt like the universe’s way of letting me know I don’t have to be one or the other, I can be both.”

Wollongong Central Centre Manager Nathan Copsey said the mural was the perfect way to highlight the incredible talents of two young women at the top of their game.

“Caitlin Foord has been a football champion of our region since childhood, becoming the youngest Australian to play at a World Cup when she was selected for the Australian team in 2011 aged 16,” he said.

“Claire Foxton is renowned for her vivid photorealistic portraiture and her ability to reflect the connectedness of her subjects with place so it was our honour to bring these two women together to create an iconic artwork for both Wollongong Central and our city.

“We hope the Illawarra community takes joy in the artwork and may it spur on the Matildas to great success in Paris.”

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