24 March 2025

Close call for skipper off Port Kembla

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A man standing on his sinking ship as rescuers arrive

Fortunately, this skipper did not go down with his ship, thanks to the efforts of Marine Rescue volunteers. Photo: Marine Rescue NSW.

A skipper had to swim to safety after his boat sank off Port Kembla on Sunday morning (23 March).

A Marine Rescue NSW spokesperson said volunteers on the vessel Port Kembla 31 responded to a call for assistance from a distressed vessel with one person on board just after 11 o’clock.

Marine Rescue NSW Inspector Stuart Massey said a motor cruiser reported it was taking on water and sinking about one nautical mile, or two kilometres, east of Five Islands.

“Volunteer radio operators at Marine Rescue Port Kembla’s Hill 60 base received a call from the skipper of a vessel a few minutes after 11,” Inspector Massey said.

PK 31 quickly arrived at the scene and located the skipper standing on the flybridge of his vessel.

“The vessel was almost completely under water.

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“The skipper entered the water and swam towards PK 31.

“Volunteers on board PK 31 assisted the boater from the water and returned him to the base for an assessment by NSW Ambulance.”

The semi-submerged vessel remains off the coast and is now a navigational hazard.

Radio operators at Marine Rescue Port Kembla have issued several securites advising boaters in the region of the location of the vessel.

Marine Rescue volunteers have urged anyone taking to the water in the area to be careful in the vicinity of the partially sunken motor cruiser.

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