Got some ideas to improve Helensburgh Pool now and in the future? It’s time to share. Photo: Wollongong City Council.
Your time is almost up to share feedback and ideas on the proposed Helensburgh Pool upgrades being carried out by Wollongong City Council.
The council is inviting comment on the draft concept plan until Sunday, 7 May.
Ideas could be incorporated into the project brief before it’s forwarded to a specialist aquatic designer.
The proposal currently includes replacing the existing pool with a new 25-metre, six-lane pool with a contemporary accessible ramp-style entry and wet deck perimeter, which makes the water surface flush with the surrounding paving.
It also includes a water splash pad, new LED floodlighting, solar shade structure and a new filtration system and tanks.
The concept was designed to meet the different needs of the local community who use the pool for exercise, relaxation and socialising, according to Wollongong City Council general manager Greg Doyle.
“We know that the community uses public pools in different ways, from little kids enjoying a splash and play to those learning to swim and others using it as a form of exercise,” he said.
“This diversity is why it’s so important we hear from our community and incorporate their feedback into the final design.
“Our proposal is a rough guide for what we think could be great, but we want to hear directly from the people who use the pool. Let us know what you think about the draft proposal, share what you value about a public pool, and let us know if you have any suggestions of what you’d like to see in the future.”
Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery said the project would form part of the Helensburgh Park multi-sport facility upgrade.
“Council is working closely with the NSW Government to invest in improving sporting infrastructure in Helensburgh. This includes all the works planned for the Helensburgh Pool as well as projects to improve the neighbouring sports grounds,” he said.
“We know that our community loves and values the Helensburgh Pool. At the same time, the pool shell and filtration have reached the end of their lives and it’s time for a major upgrade.
“The proposed works will not only provide contemporary facilities for years to come, but it also presents us with an opportunity to redesign the pool and add more modern water play facilities.”
View the draft concept plan and learn more about the project by visiting the Our Wollongong website and submit feedback via online form, email Council or call (02) 4227 7111 until Sunday 7 May.