21 June 2024

Community picnic to share food and memories of loved ones

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Group of people surrounding a fire.

Tender Funerals will hold its Our Community Remembers Picnic on Saturday. Photo: Tender Funerals.

Tender Funerals will host its fifth memorial picnic on Saturday (22 June) for the community to come together and share memories of loved ones who have died.

General Manager Nadine Giles said loss could come in many forms and the Our Community Remembers Picnic helped to create a support for those in the community who have loved and lost.

“The community is invited to come along and remember the people they love and who have died, as well as all of the losses we have faced over the events of the last few years,” Nadine said.

The ceremony is held annually, close to the shortest day of the year, at Mt Keira Girl Guide Camp. It will include a smoking ceremony with elder Uncle G, the Tender Community Choir will lead the singing and community groups will set up arts and craft tables.

READ ALSO Tender calls out for more valuable volunteers to help families through loss

“We provide warming homemade soup and invite people to bring a ‘sacred dish’ that was special to their loved one,” Nadine said.

“Much like smells and music, food and sharing a table evokes memories of times and people past and these stories are such beautiful touchpoints for conversation and healing.

“This is a day for remembering, and it’s also a day of celebration.

“We welcome everybody who feels they would like to be part of this day.”

Tender Funerals is a community-based funeral service in Port Kembla that welcomes people from all backgrounds and is open to all belief systems.

Our Community Remembers picnic will be held on Saturday from noon to 3 pm, with the ceremony starting at 1 pm, at Mt Keira Girl Guide Camp, Mt Keira Road.

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