7 March 2025

Don your glad rags - restored Perry steam locomotive to be launched in 40s-themed fanfare

| Dione David
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Mosaic of Perry steam locomotive

It’s been a hell of a journey, but Perry rests ready in the Illawarra Light Railway Museum locomotive shed awaiting his big relaunch this weekend. Photos: ILRM.

At 76, the Perry locomotive is no spring chicken, but passionate volunteers at the Illawarra Light Railway Museum have proven that with perseverance – and some highly appreciated support – there’s plenty of steam left in the old boy’s engine.

First built by Perry Engineering in SA in 1949, it’s been a long track to recommissioning. Now shining like a new penny the beautifully-restored locomotive will make its triumphant comeback with much fanfare this Sunday 9 March.

“I think they only built about 10 of them and pretty sure Perry is the last one left working in Australia, so it’s pretty special,” Illawarra Light Railway Museum treasurer Brad Johns says.

“It’s hard to qualify how incredible it is that a locomotive of this age is still running, but it didn’t happen easily.”

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The Perry started its career diligently hauling sugar cane for Tully Sugar in North Queensland for 15 years.

In 1965 the locomotive was donated to El Arish Country Club on the outskirts of Tully where Brad says it served as a garden display and child’s play item.

In 1972 El Arish offered the rusty relic for sale and the Illawarra Light Railway Museum purchased him for the princely sum of $100.

The following March the locomotive arrived at Port Kembla from Tully, and between ’73 and ’75 was stored at a depot in Kembla Grange, before being transported to its new home in Albion Park.

Black and white photo of Perry steam locomotive working in the Tully region

Perry steam in his first ever gig hauling sugar cane in the Tully region of QLD. Photo: ILRM.

In 1976, restoration works began and Perry was dismantled.

“The goal was to have Perry operational at some stage, but there was a lot of work to be done,” Brad says.

BHP took the boiler for an overhaul in ’81 and when it was returned in ’85, restoration works were well underway.

In September 1987, having been out of the game for more than 20 years, Perry started hauling passenger trains. The gig lasted almost 30 years before its boiler started having issues again.

“Regrettably in 2015, we had to take Perry out of service again,” Brad says. “It was going to be an expensive fix, but we hoped someday we’d get a grant to make it happen.”

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Some years later, that grant came from Transport Heritage NSW and on 19 December 2023, the museum got Perry back. Volunteers commenced a new restoration, which included fitting the boiler, a fresh paint scheme and new line works.

A handsome British racing green with grey cabins was chosen and in October 2024, Perry’s boiler underwent a “hydro test” to detect leaks.

“To our delight, none were found,” Brad says. “Then we carried out a series of ‘steamings’ – a process to gradually work the boiler up to full capacity. Everything was fair dinkum.”

In November last year, Perry was set aside for final touches ahead of the big reveal.

For the occasion, volunteers have organised a 40s-themed event – a hat tip to Perry’s own era – fittingly called “Follow the Journey”.

Vintage farm machinery will be on display as well as an impressive collection of classic cars courtesy of the Jamberoo Valley Classic Vehicles Club Inc.

Visitors will step straight into Perry’s heyday with swing era music and roaming actors in 40s-style dress, as well as yummy food sales and museum and shed tours.

And of course from 11 am to 3 pm the man of the hour himself, Perry, will be in steam and giving visitors rides.

Follow the Journey takes place this Sunday 9 March from 11 am to 3 pm at Illawarra Light Railway Museum. Tickets are $18 (adults) $12.50 for children ages 3 to 16 and concessions, and $64.13 for family – book here.

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