21 June 2024

First images of proposed Warrawong Plaza housing development

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Artist's impression of the proposed development.

An artist’s impression of how Cowper Street could look in the proposed Warrawong Plaza housing development. Photos: NSW Government.

Draft plans for the new-look Warrawong Plaza, featuring 12 residential towers up to 22 storeys high, are now on display for community feedback.

Elanor Investors Group has submitted plans for a proposed rezoning of the 7 ha site, which will allow construction of 1300 new homes, including 10 per cent affordable housing.

The proposal is one of four in NSW under the State-Assessed Planning Proposal pilot announced last July, which aims to increase the supply and diversity of housing.

It includes increasing the maximum building height on the site from eight to 22 storeys, or between 24 and 78 metres. The towers will be staggered building heights to break down the visual look of the development.

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NSW Planning Minister and Wollongong MP Paul Scully encouraged the community to provide feedback on the draft proposal, which could provide a $2.6 billion economic boost to the Illawarra.

“Housing development here could create more homes and more jobs for the people of Warrawong,” he said.

“Without more homes, we will continue to lose our young people, families and essential workers to other more affordable areas.

“Community feedback is essential to shaping an area’s future and making sure projects bring tangible benefits.”

Aerial render of the proposed Warrawong Plaza development.

An impression of the aerial view of the proposal.

Mr Scully said the existing retail floor space would be retained as part of the non-residential floor space and shops would continue to operate during the proposed works.

The proposed development would support 540 full-time equivalent jobs during construction and 540 full-time equivalent operational jobs.

According to the Planning Proposal, the development would be a “gateway building to reinforce the status of Warrawong as a strategic centre”.

“A 78m height limit at the south-western corner of the site at the intersection of the major arterial roads of King Street and Northcliffe Drive sets the foundation for a distinct building of outstanding architectural quality that can be a recognisable and welcoming symbol for Warrawong,” the proposal says.

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“The substantial increase in housing provision will significantly grow the local population residing within the Warrawong Town Centre.

“As more people move into the area, demand for goods and services will increase, prompting businesses to open or expand, and attracting external investment to the area.”

A 3000 m2 publicly accessible plaza is the “green heart” at the centre of the proposed development, providing links with Cowper Street and Northcliffe Drive.

The developers say the first stage of residential development is capable of being delivered by 2028 to meet local housing needs.

Draft plans will be on public exhibition until Friday, 19 July. Click here for more information or to make a submission.

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Phillip Balding11:36 am 24 Jun 24

This is a pretty good proposal, council should have legalised this density years ago, lucky we have the state gov dealing with these big planning proposals, everyone should get behind it with a supportive submission. The best way to increase housing to meet our targets is near the town centres rather than out west – this will create less traffic and less enviro destruction. Increasing supply here will drastically improve affordability, especially on the older units nearby.

I mean I approve of the idea but I don’t know how the community will feel abt building 1300 new homes, only 130 of which will be affordable, right next door to places like Illowra gardens and the Todd Street apartments

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