Getting kids moving is one of Healthy Cities Illawarra’s core missions. Photo: Healthy Cities Illawarra.
Almost 40 years ago the Illawarra was selected to be part of an international experiment. Now we’re taking our achievements to the national stage.
Healthy Cities Illawarra (HCI) was one of the founding organisations of the WHO Healthy Cities movement.
It’s one of the oldest Healthy Cities organisations in the world and among a handful in Australia that have survived.
CEO Kelly Andrews said the not-for-profit decided it was time to step up and advocate for cities around the country.
She said health wasn’t just about hospitals, “it’s about the places we live, work, and connect”.
The Healthy Cities approach works to create urban environments where people can thrive.
This can include lobbying to prevent fast-food advertising on school buses or running healthy cooking classes for underprivileged communities.
Healthy Cities Illawarra works across Wollongong, Kiama, Shellharbour and the Shoalhaven with a small amount of core funding from NSW Health, a lot of perseverance and endless grant applications.
The not-for-profit partners with councils, the local health district and the university, among other organisations, to build a city that supports good health.
Now it has transformed into Healthy Cities Australia (HCA), to bring its innovative approach to the rest of the country.
“HCA is committed to raising the profile and growing the Healthy Cities approach – championing preventative health measures, healthy urban planning and addressing social and commercial determinants of health,” Ms Andrews said.
“HCA is an independent health promotion charity working to support cities and communities to reduce the disease and improve health and wellbeing.
“For decades, we’ve worked alongside communities, leaders, and changemakers to turn that belief into action, creating healthier environments, strengthening communities, and making well-being a shared priority.”
When the Illawarra was selected as a pilot site in 1987 it was characterised by socio-economic disadvantage, heavy industry and related environmental issues.
Now the coastal strip boasts universities, international research institutes and outdoor recreation areas from the coast to the escarpment.
Ms Anderson said Healthy Cities Australia focused on three supports for people’s health – food security and nutrition, physical activity and active transport, and community wellbeing.
“We want to prevent chronic lifestyle diseases that arise from the use of drugs and alcohol, unhealthy food, and a lack of physical activity,” she said.
“We do this by working on three levels.
“The first is policy advocacy, so in the food space we would advocate for something like the sugary drinks tax.
“Then we work with groups like Food Fairness Illawarra, a coalition of local government, the health district and university, to keep food security and sustainable local food systems on the agenda.
“We look at the environment people live, work and play in to make sure that healthy choices are easy and accessible.
“Then at the community level we run food, cooking and social inclusion programs designed for those in our community who are most likely to be affected by food insecurity and chronic disease.”
Although disease prevention is largely invisible work, the evidence supports it.
Ms Andrew said one of Healthy Cities’ programs, the Active-In-Betweens, gives a return of about $6 to the community for every dollar invested.
She’s confident it can bring similar benefits to cities all over Australia.
“Healthy Cities Illawarra has been internationally recognised as the leaders and champions of the Healthy Cities movement in Australia for nearly 40 years – we feel it’s a maturation of the organisation to step up in this way and expand the opportunities for partnerships,” she said.
“As we step into this exciting new chapter as Healthy Cities Australia, I couldn’t be prouder.
“We know the way we work with a whole range of intersectional partners is effective.
“Disease prevention is often undervalued and underfunded, but we feel confident we can scale what we’re doing and that will help our financial sustainability, too.
“This isn’t just a new name; it’s a reflection of the need for growing our impact and commitment to a healthier future for all.”