25 June 2024

Kiama Council proposes fenced off-leash area, no more swimming in Minnamurra River in draft dog strategy

| Zoe Cartwright
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Dog sits in the grass with a ball in its mouth

Kiama Council’s draft Dog Friendly Spaces strategy is on display – and it proposes a number of changes. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

A new fenced off-leash dog area at Jamberoo, no more leashed swimming in Minnamurra River and more education on responsible dog ownership are key points of Kiama Council’s draft Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy.

The strategy has been released for public feedback and will be on exhibition until 21 July.

A Kiama Council spokesperson said the strategy set guidelines for dog friendly spaces to balance the needs of dog owners and the wider community.

“This includes ensuring a fair distribution of dog friendly spaces across our municipality, allowing for population growth and changing levels of dog ownership,” the spokesperson said.

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“The strategy sets out short-term, medium-term, and long-term actions for the next 10 years.

“These align with council’s Operational Plan, Delivery Program, and Community Strategic Plan.”

Other actions include an internal audit of signage, more compliance officers and more supplied dog poo bags in off-leash areas.

The spokesperson said the short-term actions recommended were affordable in the current budget, except for those that needed infrastructure to be installed.

“The council has obtained $42,600 from the NSW Government’s Local Small Commitments Allocation program,” the spokesperson said.

“The strategy proposes these funds will be used to fund a fenced dog off-leash area at Jamberoo.”

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The draft Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy takes into account a community survey about dog friendly spaces.

The survey had 533 responses, with a majority (76 per cent) being dog owners.

“The survey results showed existing off-leash spaces are operating well, with concerns being mostly about responsible dog ownership,” the spokesperson said.

“There was also a desire for a fenced dog off-leash area in our municipality.”

To read the strategy, view the survey results or make a submission, visit www.kiama.nsw.gov.au/dogfriendlyspaces.

Submissions close 5 pm, 21 July.

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