2 July 2024

Missing bushwalker, 69, found in cold and wet Southern Highlands bushland

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Carrington Falls pictured from a lookout platform

A bushwalker who went missing near Carrington Falls was found late on Monday night. Photo: Jacqueline Devereaux/DCCEEW.

Illawarra Police Rescue and National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) workers have found a missing 69-year-old bushwalker near Carrington Falls in the Southern Highlands.

Emergency services were called to Stevos Track at Carrington Falls at about 6:15 pm on Monday (1 July), after the man was reported missing during a walk.

Concerns were held for his safety, as it was raining and the temperature had dropped to four degrees.

However, Police Rescue and NPWS found him in dense bushland at about 10 pm.

The man and his rescuers arrived back at the command post at about 1:40 am on Tuesday (2 July), where NSW Ambulance paramedics treated him.

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The man was suffering from mild hypothermia and a small abrasion on his face.

Hume Police District Chief Inspector Brendan Bernie said it was a timely reminder for bushwalkers to be prepared for any conditions when heading out on a hike.

“No matter how experienced a bushwalker you are, it’s really important you are equipped with safety equipment, wearing suitable clothing and carrying food and water,” he said.

“Conditions can change quickly, and in this case, the temperature dropped to around four degrees, and it was raining, proving challenging for all those involved.

“We also encourage bushwalkers to have a GPS-enabled Personal Locator Beacon, and if you get into trouble, alert authorities.

“It’s also a great idea to fill out a trip intention form with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, so authorities know where you intend to travel and your return time in the event you don’t return safely, and authorities can be notified.”

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