NSW Roads Minister John Graham and Shellharbour MP Anna Watson at the potential Fowler’s Road M1 southbound connection site. Photo: Zoe Cartwright.
NSW Roads Minister John Graham visited Dapto last week, but if southern Illawarra residents expect news on the proposed M1 entry ramps they’ll be disappointed.
Mr Graham and Shellharbour MP Anna Watson provided an “update” on the plans, but had little new to add to what residents and motorists already know – that the ramps are desperately needed.
On Tuesday Mr Graham and Ms Watson announced the release of a summary report of community consultation conducted over the past 12 months
“I’m delighted to be here today; this is another step in the right direction, ensuring road infrastructure for Dapto and West Dapto goes ahead,” Ms Watson said.
“In 2023 we made a commitment if the Minns Government was elected, we would build these roads.
“The Illawarra-Shoalhaven region is rapidly growing, but local motorists are forced to travel along the Princes Highway through the Dapto CBD, causing traffic delays and impacting on local small businesses.
“The community consultation report is an important step in getting work on new on/off ramps underway, so Dapto residents can more easily access the M1 motorway.”
Transport for NSW conducted community consultation on the south-facing ramps between 11 December 2023 and 12 February 2024.
They received 3851 completed surveys, 318 pins on the online mapping tool and 63 submissions.
Mr Graham said 97 per cent of respondents supported the south-facing ramps, saying they believe the ramps would enhance access to the motorway and reduce congestion.
Fowlers Road was the most popular ramp site, followed by Kanahooka Road, with Emerson Road the least popular option among respondents.
Mr Graham said community preference would not necessarily be the deciding factor in selecting a location.
The ramps themselves, however, are still on the distant horizon.
Mr Graham could not confirm the timing or budget for the next steps – or if compulsory property acquisitions would be undertaken.
“The options paper is when we’ll make further decisions,” he said.
“It’s a big project, and there’s no way to complete it without disruption that impacts the local traffic network.
“We need to be further into the process before we can speculate about property acquisition.”
Mr Graham said Transport for NSW would conduct detailed modelling on how traffic moved in the area and use the data they collected to predict future traffic movements.
The West Dapto area is expected to grow by at least 50,000 residents by 2041.
An options report based on that modelling is due in mid-2025.