Community members turned out in force to say thank you to the beloved vet. Photos: Nicole McCracken.
A beloved vet who has served the people of Albion Park Rail and their four-legged friends for more than four decades has been “overwhelmed” by the response from his grateful community as he heads into a well-earned retirement.
Andrew Daniels had been around animals from a young age and, after setting up his own business, became the go-to for community members who needed to trust someone with their treasured pets.
“We just used to go to cattle stations when we were kids in school holidays and I got a bit of a feeling for it,” Andrew said.
“I started working for myself in ’81 and we’ve been at the residence since ’85 I believe.”
The close-knit clinic attracted lifelong clients, with all kinds of pets and situations coming through over the years.
“We’ve had a diverse range – horses, cattle, alpacas, dogs, cats and all that.
“You know you’ve been around for a while when a work experience kid says her mum did work experience here.”
One of Andrew’s clients was Anne McNaughton.
“I actually migrated to Australia in 1998 and brought with me six cats and two dogs, and Andrew has looked after my animals ever since then,” Anne said.
“It’s just a fabulous vet with fabulous people.”
She said Andrew’s honesty and straight-talking nature set him apart from any other vet she had experienced.
“I’ve gone to others maybe after hours if I’ve had an emergency and couldn’t get a hold of Andrew, but I’ve never changed,” she said.
“I’ve never found another vet that equals everything that I get from Andrew.
“He obviously knows his stuff but he’s a nice man and he doesn’t pull punches; he tells the truth.”

Anne McNaughton has been a client of Andrew’s since she migrated to Australia in the 90s.
And it’s not just personal pets that Andrew takes care of, but also those in need.
“The last 10 years I’ve been involved in a rescue group, Lost and Found Pets Illawarra, and he and his team also look after our rescue animals,” Anne said.
“A very good vet but also very very kind people.”
Anne was one of the dozens of clients who surprised Andrew with a sendoff on his last day.
“I was overwhelmed,” Andrew said. “I just like to be about my own business and be down the back.
“Their presence was truly appreciated and humbling.”
While Andrew’s impact is sure to be missed, he’s assured clients that nothing will change even though he is gone.
“It’s gonna be business as usual,” Andrew said. “We met Cassandra and she’s bright and friendly and obviously a qualified vet that has done a good range and vast experience.
“We still live upstairs and all we hear is laughter all the time so that’s a good sign.”
And the people whom he attributes much of his success to will still be familiar faces at the clinic.
“The important thing for us was that the girls all maintained their employment – they’ve been there 30, 28 and 17 years so they have all been fundamental in the success of it,” Andrew said. “If you don’t have good staff, you really don’t have much.”
Andrew’s impact may be long-lasting but his legacy may be the only thing sticking around for the next little while, with the new retiree set to hit the road and the skies soon.
“We’re taking a breather at the moment and then we’ll probably go around Australia, so that’s the plan,” Andrew said. “Then we would probably like to do a Mediterranean eating tour for Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Malta.”