25 February 2025

Painting the town: Albion Park artist’s landscapes pop up in unexpected places

| Kellie O'Brien
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Ian Morrison art in unexpected places

Ian Morrison will have his landscape paintings displayed on Shellharbour bus stops. Photo: Shellharbour City Council.

Albion Park’s Ian Morrison is the latest artist to have his work featured in Shellharbour City Council’s Art in Unexpected Places bus shelter program, bringing stunning landscapes of the region to everyday commuters.

Best known as the minister at Shellharbour Anglican Church, Ian has a passion for capturing the region’s scenery, with cherished locations such as Lake Illawarra, Barrack Point, The Farm, Bushrangers Bay, and Bass Point depicted in his work.

Ian said his love for design began during his architecture studies, before further studies in theology led to his 11-year role as an ordained Anglican minister.

He said after finishing work as an architect and studying theology, he started painting as a hobby and as an outlet for creative energy.

His places of residence – Dapto, the Blue Mountains and now Albion Park – have offered inspiration for developing many of his landscape scenes.

“Creating images like this has been a pastime I have enjoyed to help my family remember fond places we have holidayed, or locations of great sentiment,” Ian said.

“All of the artworks I have made have been inspired from photos I have taken while riding my bike around the Shellharbour region.”

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With a focus on shape and colour, Ian’s work will be featured on the region’s bus shelters between February and April, which will showcase his genuine love for the Shellharbour region.

“From stunning sunrises, to majestic hills, God’s creation provides every bit of inspiration that is needed for beautiful art,” he said.

He said you didn’t have to look too far to find wonderful settings within the Shellharbour region to paint or take photos of.

Shellharbour City Council Mayor Chris Homer said the latest instalment of the Art in Unexpected Places program again showcased the creative spark that existed within the community.

“The Art in Unexpected Places program continues to deliver, giving the Shellharbour region a fresh spark in places where you would least suspect it,” Cr Homer said.

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Among those locations are 211 Princes Highway, Rotary Park, Albion Park Rail; Shellharbour Primary School in Mary St, Shellharbour; Lake Entrance Road at the Wattle Road intersection; and 128 Shellharbour Road, Warilla.

A new artist will be featured each quarter for the Art in Unexpected Places program, providing ongoing opportunities for artists, while putting on a visual display for visitors and locals to connect with.

The Art in Unexpected Places program will showcase the artwork of a new artist in May.

Previous artists have included Melissa Ritchie, Lisa-Marie Vecchio, Chris Smith, and Edwina Green.

Artists interested in keeping up with opportunities to be part of the program, can sign up to council’s Art and Culture Newsletter.

Learn more about the Art in Unexpected Places program.

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