20 September 2024

Picketers halt work at Unanderra factory

| Zoe Cartwright
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Protesters outside Bisalloy Steel on Thursday 19 September.

Protesters outside Bisalloy Steel on Thursday 19 September. Photo: Wollongong Friends of Palestine.

Bisalloy Steel’s Unanderra factory halted operations on Thursday (19 September) in the face of picketers.

The manufacturing company has been the target of ongoing protests by opponents of Israel’s war in Gaza.

A spokesperson for Wollongong Friends of Palestine, Jet Hunt, said protesters believed steel produced by Bisalloy was used to produce tanks for the Israeli Defence Force, as well as civilian security vehicles used by illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank.

“Today’s action has been a huge success,” Jet said.

“This is the third time in recent months that we have seen hundreds of people turn up to protest against Bisalloy’s support of Israeli apartheid and genocide.

“The company’s response today in shutting down operations is a great outcome.

“It really shows the power of our community to put a stop to business as usual for companies complicit in genocide. We will keep coming back until Bisalloy stops doing any kind of business with an apartheid, genocidal regime.”

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A spokesperson for Bisalloy said the company did not produce materials used in the manufacture of missiles, projectiles or other weapons, and that all exports had relevant government approvals.

Rawda Al Sharoof, a Palestinian student living in Wollongong, said while the steel might not be used to make weapons, she believed it was nevertheless used for violent purposes.

“Bisalloy proudly manufactures armoured steel, which Israel uses to subjugate, oppress and kill the people of Palestine,” Rawda said.

“I will personally keep coming back until Bisalloy cuts ties with Israel.”

The death toll in Gaza is estimated to be about 40,000 people, almost half of them children.

Bisalloy Steel has refused to comment on its relationship with Israeli-based defence contractor Rafael Advanced Defence Systems.

In 2018 Bisalloy announced the $900,000 contract to provide steel for armour-plated vehicles and add-on armour.

Region Illawarra has asked Bisalloy on two occasions in 2024 whether that contract is ongoing. Bisalloy did not answer the question on either occasion.

Bisalloy also provides steel to at least two other defence manufacturers, Rheinmetal and Hanwha, to be used for armoured vehicle production.

Region Illawarra cannot confirm whether the armour-plated vehicles and add-on armour manufactured by these companies using Bisalloy Steel have been purchased by Israel or deployed in Gaza or the West Bank.

READ ALSO Illawarra’s Bisalloy Steel racks up more international defence contracts

The UN has called for an embargo on arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel, whether directly or via a third party, and regardless of whether the transfers are executed under existing export licences.

The Human Rights Council identified Rheinmetal as one of the companies implicated in supplying weapons and military equipment to Israel and warned that continuing arms transfers to Israel may be seen as knowingly providing assistance for operations that contravene international human rights.

Israel is currently before the International Court of Justice accused of committing genocide on the Palestinian people in Gaza.

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