After 13 years in the top job, Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery won’t contest the 2024 council elections. Photo: Wollongong City Council.
There were no tears, but plenty of well-wishes at Wollongong City Council’s August meeting – the last hurrah for some of our longest serving councillors.
Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery, Councillor Janice Kershaw, Councillor Mithra Cox, Councillor Cath Blakey and Councillor Dom Figliomini have all announced they will not put their hats in the ring for the September election.
Towards the end of the meeting Cr Kershaw put forward a motion to thank council staff for their work and support throughout her time as an elected official.
“I was voted in in 1991 and I’ve represented the community for 29 years and five months, not including the time when we had no democracy,” she said.
“Council staff are responsible for everything from maintaining our sportsgrounds to organising child minding in the chambers when my children were babies.
“Staff work tirelessly, and in the past we have had councillors who treated staff as enemies, did not trust them and promoted conspiracy theories.
“I wanted to slap them down.
“Staff are dedicated, hardworking and doing their best. They manage to sit through meetings and give no sign of boredom, frustration or annoyance.
“Without them I would not have been able to represent the people I was elected to represent and they have my heartfelt thanks.”
Crs Cox and Figliomini added their thanks. Both expressed their appreciation for staff who had taken the time to teach them the ins and outs of how the council functions.
Cr Bradbery said it was important to view the achievements of staff within the framework of the many legislative constraints they had to deal with.
“This organisation is almost emasculated by legislation but staff still manage to achieve so much,” he said.
“There are challenges and there always will be, but from my perspective it’s not the church that performs the miracles but Wollongong City Council.”
The motion was carried unanimously before Councillor David Brown put forward a vote of thanks and recognition for the retiring councillors.
“Very few people in politics can say they left at a time and manner of their own choosing,” he said.
“On this council we find consensus where we can and disagree when we must in a respectful way.
“The collegiality this council has developed over the past 13 years – you don’t have to travel far to find councils that are infested with rancour.
“Lord Mayor, I’ve enjoyed serving with you, and your sense of humour in the theatre of the absurd that is local government.
“It’s an unusual item where Janice and I are on opposite sides, and I think her views are pretty close to the median, reasonable view.
“Mithra always does her homework, and I thank Dom for his fresh perspectives. Cath, I hope you enjoy cutting up the soccer field.”
Councillors Cameron Walters, Richard Martin and Tania Brown added their thanks to each of the outgoing councillors.
The motion was carried unanimously.