27 March 2025

Sydney catamaran washes up on Wollongong beach

| Zoe Cartwright
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Maritime NSW contractors shift a washed-up catamaran above the high-tide line on City Beach, Wollongong.

Maritime NSW contractors shift a washed-up catamaran above the high-tide line on City Beach, Wollongong. Photo: Zoe Cartwright.

An unfortunate skipper has been contacted by Maritime NSW after their boat washed up on City Beach in Wollongong on Wednesday (26 March).

The boat was first spotted offshore on the evening of Tuesday 25 March.

The 6.9-metre aluminium catamaran emblazoned with the name Jaidan was dragged past the high-tide line by contractors employed by Maritime NSW, after Wollongong City Council employees taped the area off.

A Transport for NSW Maritime spokesperson said the boat capsized about 12 nautical miles off Sydney over the weekend and drifted down to Bulli where it was found on Monday (24 March).

READ ALSO Close call for skipper off Port Kembla

“Attempts to salvage the vessel were made later that day by a contractor appointed by the vessels insurer, however needed to be abandoned due to failing light and complexities with the operation,” the spokesperson said.

“A search for the vessel resumed by air and sea on Tuesday 25 March 2025, however it was not located.

“On the morning of Wednesday 26 March 2025, Transport were alerted to the vessel grounding in the northern corner of City Beach, Wollongong.

“The insurance appointed salvor have activated to the scene and will liaise with Wollongong Council with the recovery expected to occur from land.”

The Transport spokesperson confirmed no-one was harmed when the boat sank.

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