David Littleproud and Katrina Hodgkinson announce that Ms Hodgkinson will contest the seat of Whitlam for the National Party at the next federal election. Photo: Supplied.
A third candidate has entered the fray for Whitlam.
Nationals leader David Littleproud visited the electorate on Friday (21 February) to announce Katrina Hodgkinson will run in the next federal election.
Labor’s Stephen Jones has held the seat of Whitlam (previously Throsby) since 2010, when Jennie George, who had held the seat since 2001, passed the baton to him.
Before Jennie, the then-seat of Throsby was held by Labor’s Colin Hollis from its inception in 1984.
When Mr Jones said that he would step down at the next election the Liberal party announced Ben Britton would stand.
In place of Mr Jones, Labor will field Carol Berry.
Mr Littleproud told the ABC Nationals and Liberals would preference each other to reduce the impact of splitting the right-wing vote.
He said Ms Hodgkinson was already well-known in the local area and would campaign on cost-of-living issues and against the proposed offshore wind farm.
“Katrina knows the issues that matter, as locals struggle with their grocery bills, their power bills, their insurance bills and almost every single other expense,” Mr Littleproud said.
“Katrina has been a strong advocate against Labor’s planned wind farm in the Illawarra.
“The Nationals were the first political party to have the courage to commit to calling it in, if elected. We have led the way in stopping Labor’s bad plan and with the help of Katrina, will continue to do so.”
Ms Hodgkinson previously worked as the NSW Minister for Primary Industries and Minister for Small Business, and as a Member of the NSW Legislative Assembly.
Based in the Southern Highlands, she was elected to NSW Parliament as member for Burrinjuck in 1999.
She held the seat until the 2013 electoral redistribution, when she stood for and won the electorate of Cootamundra.
In 2016 she crossed the floor to vote against a proposed ban on greyhound racing.
She retired from NSW Parliament in 2017 and was elected Federal Vice President of the National Party of Australia in August 2018.
At the 2019 federal election Ms Hodgkinson unsuccessfully contested the seat of Gilmore.
In 2020 she listed her $6 million Berrima farm for sale.
“I am delighted to have the opportunity to represent The Nationals in this beautiful part of NSW,” Ms Hodgkinson said.
“Having lived in the electorate for over 26 years, owned and operated a retail business in the electorate for many years, and with both my children having attended their primary and senior schooling in the electorate of Whitlam, I am excited to have the opportunity to represent the local area.
“I look forward to using my extensive parliamentary and ministerial experience to improve the lives of locals.
“I am delighted to be joined today by the Leader of The Nationals David Littleproud.
“Having David here today shows that The Nationals take this electorate very seriously and we will fight with all we have, to bring strong and effective representation to this very important part of the Illawarra.
“I will also continue my dedicated opposition to the Labor/Greens proposed offshore wind farm and am proud to be part of a team that said ‘no’ to this project, first.”