Tom Craft and Monty Colwill are staging an art event in Wollongong. Photos: Supplied.
Photographer Tom Craft and stylist Monty Colwill are set to make bold artistic statements on contemporary masculinity and provocative feminism in a thought-provoking and visually contrasting new art event at VanQ Shop in Wollongong on 29 March.
Featuring photography, poetry and mixed media paintings, Craft’s work on masculinity and Colwill’s work on feminism will transform an abandoned bank vault underneath VanQ Shop in the heart of Wollongong into an immersive exploration of identity, privilege, and artistic expression – all to the sounds of live bands performing.
Craft recently completed his bachelor’s degree in photography in Melbourne, and has been spending time in Wollongong to save up to move to Berlin to do his masters.
He said he’d been using that time as an opportunity to delve deeper into the concept of masculinity and how it had shaped his own experiences.
“In preparation for my masters, I started thinking about what is a concept or an issue or something I’ve personally dealt with a lot in my life, and something I thought would be big enough to tackle in, essentially, a master’s degree,” he said.
“Something I’ve been dealing with my whole life is the topic of masculinity and how that affects my day-to-day life.
“I’ve always felt this, but I felt I didn’t necessarily have the agency to cover that during my bachelor and I wanted the environment of a master’s degree to do that.
“The idea is looking at broader issues through a local lens in a way.”
Originally from Wagga Wagga, he said he’d discovered a lot about himself through the process, especially during the past three months in Wollongong living with friends he’d grown up with, while reading the likes of Australian sociologist Raewyn Connell.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about how I form my own sense of masculinity,” he said.
“During that process work I’ve become more aware of my privilege.
“I’ve come to realise how in the past I may have indirectly benefited from the advantages tied to masculinity.
“I am becoming aware of my own contradictions in my message and trying my best to live to mitigate that.”
Joining Craft in the exhibition is his friend Monty Colwill, who’s doing her bachelor’s through Wollongong TAFE.
Her multimedia paintings are heavily influenced by central European avant-garde.
“She makes work that’s very provocative, so she does styling work but also mixed media painting and graffiti with stark imagery,” he said.
“Her work has a very feminist undertone and it’s very powerful.”
Colwill’s pieces will be displayed alongside Craft’s work inside the unique venue, an abandoned bank vault beneath the vintage clothing store, VanQ Shop.
He said it would provide the perfect backdrop for the event, with its industrial, eerie atmosphere and artefacts from 40 or 50 years ago.
The event will also feature live music through a host of bands, a Red Bull stand, Howlin’ Wolf Whisky stand, and the backdrop of the clothing store.
The exhibition will be held at VanQ Shop at 221-229 Crown St, Wollongong on 29 March from 7 to 10 pm. $5 entry fee at the door.