19 March 2025

Why this vacant Mount Ousley block will be sold for the first time

| Zoe Cartwright
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A precious pocket of mature native trees, or a potential solution to the housing crisis? This block of land in Mt Ousley ignited debate at Wollongong City Council on Monday (17 March). Photo: Google Maps.

A vacant block of land in tightly held Mt Ousley may become the site of someone’s dream home in the near future.

18 Stanbrook Avenue was one of four lots Wollongong City Council voted to sell off on Monday (17 March).

Two of the sales – Lot 16 Range Place Bulli and 20 Ranchby Avenue Lake Heights – were moved without debate.

The sale of Baringa Park in Dapto was carried unanimously after council staff explained the lot would be used to provide drainage for a childcare centre to be constructed on an adjacent lot, and the community would retain use of the grassed area as a thoroughfare.

The sale of the Mt Ousley block was more contentious, however.

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The 778-sqm property was created as part of a subdivision in 1963 and dedicated to the council as a public garden and recreation space.

It has never been developed and remains a grassed block with half a dozen large gum trees.

In 2017 the council moved to reclassify the land from community land to operational land; this process was completed in 2021.

On Monday the council was urged to sell the property as it is suitable for development and is not used by the council.

Councillor Dan Hayes slammed community members and other councillors who opposed the sale of the block.

“I can’t believe people in the community want to delay the sale of vacant land in a residential area,” he said.

“If we can’t build on a vacant block in a residential street, what chance do we have of solving the housing crisis?

“We only hear from the naysayers which I tire of very quickly.

“The opposition from a larger group than just those who are impacted by the development.

“These people are not NIMBYs, they’re just against housing at all costs.

“I hope this gets built and the people who live there have a very good life.”

Councillor Jess Whittaker, however, had some sympathies for those who opposed the potential development of the land.

She noted that it was not far from the recently cleared Mount Ousley Interchange.

“There was a lot of surprise in the community about how extensive the loss of vegetation was due to the interchange,” she said.

“This lot is barely a stone’s throw away. It has almost 100 per cent canopy cover from large established native trees.

“I would hope we can get a vegetation report before this does go on sale so we can know a bit more about it.”

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Councillor Linda Campbell noted that any development on the property after the sale would require council approval to remove the trees.

Councillor Ann Martin agreed.

“We have to trust our staff to look at these issues and deal with them if and when this proceeds, if and when someone purchases it and if and when they lodge a DA,” she said.

“I understand the nervousness around what may happen, but my preference is for housing people.”

Councillor David Brown attempted to pour oil over troubled waters and suggested that after the interchange was completed the council put additional effort into its urban greening strategy in the Mount Ousley area.

He was also of the opinion concerns about the established trees were best addressed as part of a development application.

The motion to sell the block was carried, with councillors Brown, Campbell, Martin, Hayes, Brown, Martin, Morris, Anthony, Quin, Myers and Stuart in favour and councillors Whittaker and Docker voting against.

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