Wollongong RSL sub-Branch treasurer and secretary Peter Lipscomb, Wollongong RSL sub-Branch chaplain Matthew Weir and Wollongong RSL sub-Branch president John Sperring mark Remembrance Day at the Wollongong Cenotaph. Photo: Lachlan Stevens.
Remembrance is more than just a minute’s silence; it’s an everyday action.
Vice-president of welfare at the City of Wollongong RSL sub-Branch Lachlan Stevens said it was heartening to see many young people at this year’s City of Wollongong service.
“It was really encouraging to see not just members of the Defence Force and veterans but also the public down at McCabe Park to honour the sacrifices of veterans,” he said.
“We all live very busy lives, so to see people take time out of their day to pay honour and respect to our service personnel both past and present, means a lot.
“It’s awesome to see the younger generation, especially schoolchildren, engage with the concept of remembering those who have given their lives in defence of our country.”
Lachlan said connection to community, purpose and values was at the heart of Remembrance Day.
Finding those points of connection keeps the spirit of the day alive, as we acknowledge the lives lost and affected by war.
“Remembrance Day might mean something slightly different to older and younger veterans, depending on where they served,” he said.
“It’s also a time to connect the broader community with that story of sacrifice, and the best way to do that is through values.
“Young or old, defence or civilians, we honour the same values of sacrifice, courage, mateship, endurance and resilience.

“Those values shape the society we live in and how we live in it. We want to draw out what those values looked like for soldiers, acknowledge that and have people apply them in their own lives.
“Our veterans have sacrificed an enormous amount for their friends, family and country, so what can each of us do in our own lives to reflect what those diggers fought and died for?”
The Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans’ Suicide handed down its final report on 9 September.
It made 122 recommendations for how the mental health of personnel and veterans can be better supported.
Lachlan said connection to values could be a powerful touchstone in hard times for veterans as well as civilians.
He also said it was important to look beyond the stereotype of the “broken veteran”.
“Remembrance Day can be quite confronting to veterans especially if they’re struggling with their own mental health,” he said.
“We all have challenges, and I’ve had my own challenges, but I’m not broken.
“I’m a contributing member of society and I have an obligation to serve my community.
“That can be through commemoration or the creation of a mental health charity like we have with Raising the Bar, or an involvement in veterans’ issues and advocacy.
“A lack of connection to purpose is often a key driver of poor mental health after discharge.
“Connection back into the community and connection with a renewed sense of purpose whether that’s family, a new career, or a charity, connection is so important.”
If you or someone you know needs help, you can contact:
Lifeline’s 24-hour crisis support line – 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467