17 May 2024

Illawarra called to action to stop national nightmare of violence against women

| Michelle Glasgow
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Women are living in fear of violence. Photo: File.

Since the start of 2024 we have witnessed a national emergency, generations in the making, reach horrific levels of violence against women, children and communities.

For decades women have been marching, protesting, advocating and pleading for the end of domestic and sexual violence in our country, in our communities, in our workplaces and in our homes.

And still, women are dying. Children are traumatised. Families and friends are shattered.

Over the past few weeks we have watched thousands marching to end violence against women. In Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, our fear, grief and trauma has been on full display.

I for one am overwhelmed with sadness and confusion. What is it going to take to make this nightmare end?

How did it come to this? Why are women still in fear for their safety? In Australia. In 2024.

READ ALSO Government commits $925 million to help women leave family violence

Why are the majority of men still so deafeningly silent on this issue? Men’s violence against women is a men’s issue and the silence of good men manifests in the continued oppression, terrorism and murder of women.

There is something wrong with our culture here in Australia. The laissez-faire attitude of “she’ll be right mate” is not good enough anymore.

This policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering, is not working.

Women are dying in terrifying numbers.

How do we in the Illawarra change this? I think we start with our community.

Culture, community and chance are interconnected. If we are going to change our current culture we need a dramatic transformation in our shared practices, beliefs and behaviour.

READ ALSO Man or bear? Your answer to this question reveals what you understand about violence against women

Cultural change can alter societal norms, impact decision-making processes and redefine our experiences within communities.

But powerful, radical and enduring change requires all of us working together.

This is your call to action. Join us in Lang Park, Wollongong on Sunday 26 May in starting a community-led cultural revolution to stop domestic and sexual violence against women.

Together, as a whole community, let’s make the Illawarra the safest place in Australia for women and children. For all of us.

For more information visit Women Illawarra or phone 4228 1499.

Michelle Glasgow is General Manager of Women Illawarra, a not-for-profit community organisation run by women for women. Women Illawarra assists women and children who may be affected by domestic violence, isolation, marginalisation, disadvantage and a range of issues that prevent them from participating fully in the broader community.

If you or someone you know needs help, you can contact 1800RESPECT, which is the national domestic and sexual violence support service by calling 1800 737 732 or by visiting its website.

There is also assistance available at:

Lifeline’s 24-hour crisis support line – 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800 or kidshelpline.com.au
MensLine Australia – 1300 789 978 or mensline.org.au

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