An artist’s impression of the new Shellharbour Hospital. Photo: Health Infrastructure.
UPDATED 1PM: NSW Health Minister and Keira MP Ryan Park encouraged the community to provide feedback on the new Shellharbour Hospital, which he said would transform health services in the region when complete.
“We are now at a significant milestone, and further consultation with the community is essential to shaping the future of healthcare delivery across the region,” Mr Park said.
“We look forward to providing the community with the opportunity to review the SSDA, speak with the project team, and have their say on the proposed hospital plans.
“Health clinicians, staff, and the Shellharbour community, including our local Aboriginal Elders, have also played an integral role in ensuring this new health facility continues to meet the Illawarra’s healthcare needs.”
Health Infrastructure and the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) will hold two community information sessions on Thursday 5 October:
• 10am-noon, Stockland Shopping Centre, Shellharbour
• 5-7pm at the Links Golf Course, Golf Drive, Shell Cove
Feedback on the SSDA will close on Thursday, 12 October.
The project team held a number of community consultations during the master planning phase, including extensive engagement with the local Aboriginal community.
The hospital designs feature multiple “islands” of inpatient blocks joined with a common service and access spine.
According to the SSDA, the island design was inspired by the story of Mt Keira and the Five Islands, which was discussed during consultation with the Aboriginal community. The significance of the story will be reflected in the colours and textures used in construction, as well as in the landscaping, which will feature medicinal, bushtucker and practical gardens.
The new hospital will have 1000 car parking spaces for staff and visitors, in a combination of a multi-deck car park up to six levels and at-grade open parking facilities.
Early works have started on the site, including preparation works, demolition of existing structures, tree removal, and bulk earthworks.
The SSDA estimates construction will generate about 1300 jobs.
For more information about the project and upcoming engagement sessions visit the project website.
10:20am: The new Shellharbour Hospital has reached a major planning milestone, with plans for the $700 million facility now on exhibition.
The State Significant Development Application (SSDA) details the design of and services to be provided in the new hospital, to be built on a greenfield site on Dunmore Rd, Shellharbour.
The seven-storey hospital will include:
• An expanded emergency department
• Specialised elective surgery services
• Rehabilitation and aged care services
• Acute medical services
• Expanded mental health services
• A drug and alcohol unit
• Renal dialysis
• Outpatients care services
• A multistorey carpark and improved public transport links.
Retail floor space is included in the design, with potential for a cafe or kiosk.
Following residents’ concerns and a transport assessment, traffic lights are proposed to replace the roundabout at the Shellharbour and Dunmore Roads intersection.
Dunmore Road will be widened and upgraded and a third entry point will provide access for emergency ambulance and police.
Pending planning approval, construction is expected to start mid-2024, with completion of the new hospital expected in 2027.
As part of the new Shellharbour Hospital and Integrated Services project, refurbishments were recently completed at Bulli Hospital to provide expanded rehabilitation and inpatient services in the northern Illawarra region.
Refurbishments continue at Wollongong Hospital and early planning is underway for a new community health centre to be delivered in Warrawong, on a section of the old Port Kembla Hospital site.
More to come.